Friday, March 20, 2009
DIY Dry Box for camera and other equipments
So, here it is, this link will show u how to get it done yourself, the cost of all this DIY box is no more than RM20. Buying the branded and professional Dry-Box is between RM200 - RM700 for a reasonable size. You may wish to enhance security or knock-resistence by putting padding as base and sides of the box.
Happy DIY.
More DIY for photographers in the future.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Interesting History of Kajang Town
Sermon - 09 March 2009 by Ps Nicholas
Sarah is worshiping (I guess) with Annie.
Today's sermon were preached by Ps Nicholas from Singapore, he was Ps Lily's pastor in Singapore before she came to Malaysia and married to Ps Dexter. So, Ps Nicholas is like our VVC's "grand pastor" kinda relationship. Anyway, he shared about "Letting the Past be the Past". This sermon is powerful, no matter how you weight and analyst it. I just couldn't agree more. All i can conclude about this sermon is like having this mental picture of someone holding on to a heavy rock at the surface of a deep water. Its either you want to let go and stay alive on the water afloat or sink together with the rock, the rock is the past, the things which has no future, no blessings from God. Letting go will promise new life, or chance of renewing ourselves again.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sunday Sermon on 21 Feb 2009
What is the song in your life now?
The message was about the song(s) which can affect our very life itself, both the possitive and the negative effects. Lets say, taking James Blunt's song entitled "You're Beautiful", the song touches a lady lying in hospital with coma. The song was in the radio reaches her ears somehow and gave her a positive signs to come out of coma...just amazing and powerful. Just the very words of the song encourages her to be "alive" again.
So, the sermon by P.Dexter was so right, the music/song can minister in 3 ways in anyone life, first 2 ways has to do with both spirit and soul, where as the lyric/wording affect the mind. In the Bible, God fought for His people when the Isrealites praise & worship Him (2 Chronicles 20:21-22). Even, Paul and Silas's bond were loosen and prison doors opened automatically, when both of them praise and worship in prison!!!
The conclusion, its good to sing songs that encouraging, uplifting and joyful. It basically feeds into someones mind, soul and spirit, where it shaped their lifestyles generally.
So, dear readers, if its possible do sing songs that is good, both the tune and words. For me i don't like loud music, it will spoils the whole thing. If the wording is bad, i tend to ignore and concentrate on the music.
Anyway, some images taken during sermon. God Bless!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My upgraded tool
it kept me paused a while when i was about to type it out..."toy" didn't sounded right, it's NOT a toy anymore!!! It is my tool, tool which will help me earn some additional cash for the additional needs to my family. This tool that i am speaking here is my new and upgraded DSLR camera, the Nikon D90.

oh Yes...the returned investment has prompted me, or should i say "made" me realized that i need a better tool and equipment to bring me and my hobby to greater heights. So, before i could realise this, some how GOD has intervened on my behalf, working ahead of me. Nikon then back in the last quarter has launched this new model D90, with greater features than my current model D40x. I have been keeping myself updated from time to time about Nikon's development until the announcement of D90 in early 2008. But in the last quarter right after he launch of D90, i could not afford it yet, it cost between RM3500-3100 for the body alone then. its just beyond my pocket depth!!!
Praise GOD for HE knew what's best for me...HE opened door of projects that i least expected it. 3 projects in 2 months consecutively. Then on, i knew the time is very near for me to have this new model, that i started looking out and try to know more about this new model. Indeed, for the price offered, it fit my budget to upgrade. The price war was so heated in the last 3 months were a blessing, as well as good review from numerous online forums, has finally made me decided to go for this upgrade.
The date was Jan 12 year 2009, i finally bought Nikon D90 below RM3K. The whole purchase were witnessed by Rachel my wife at the shop were i first bought D40x. This taukeh (shopkeeper) were difficult at first in confirming the price we discussed earlier on phone before the arrival of the camera, but i thought that in other shops that can beat his price, i agreed to pay the difference, paying RM100 more. But, i managed to asked for a "gift" worth more than the difference to cover the additional cost.
Both Rachel and i went back full of excitement and hope for this new "tool". 2 weeks has passes and I'm yet to fully understand the upgraded features, but I'm already snapping here and there.
GOD is so good.
Do stay tuned as I am yet to share more about this new tool of mine. Not to forget about my current D40x, well, i need to sell it off. please refer to my previous blog to find out more.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So, to those who is interested to pick this photogrpahy hobby, or to be a hired photographer, this is a good model to start with. And most importantly, call me (just mouse-over to view my number) or email me up to enquire more, i'll be glad to descibe further about this camera i'm selling. Do find out more about this camera here. OK, here are the things which i'm selling along this camera set and a couple of additional goodies.The Nikon D40X includes a 18-55mm f.3 5-5.6G ED II AF-S DX Zoom/Nikkor Lens. That's a moutful, but it means incredible picture quality. Also included are the shoulder strap, lens caps, USB cable, quick charger, battery, and quick start guide. Please note that in order to start shooting pictures, you're going to need to have your own SD card on hand, as one is not included. However, most standard SD cards will work. This camera had no trouble recognizing and using any brand of SD card. Software is included on CD rom, as well as a very detailed manual. Or read here for more details. Do consider ya. Will wait for your call.